The next UUP Upstate Medical Chapter Monthly Member and Executive Board Meeting for 2024 will occur on Wednesday, August 14th 12 PM in Room 4414A of the NAB or virtually via Zoom. Registration is now open for this monthly Chapter meeting and it is open to all UUP members. Register for these meetings using the QR code or link on the attached flyer.
Registration will close one week prior to each meeting since there is a one-week deadline for ordering food for the in-person attendees. To register, just enter the required information, select how you plan to attend the meeting, and your food preferences. New UUP members are welcome to attend to get involved and learn what your UUP Chapter is doing for you on a continuous basis. All UUP Upstate Medical Executive Board Members, elected UUP Chapter Officers and Delegates, are encouraged to attend to vote on the required monthly business.
The UUP Upstate Medical Chapter Monthly Member and Executive Board meeting is usually held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12 noon. While elected UUP Chapter Officers and Delegates are the only voting members of the Chapter Executive Board, this meeting is open to all chapter UUP members. The meeting capacity is 75 members including the Executive Board members and food will be ordered for all registered in-person attendees. UUP Chapter Officers and Executive Board members will be given priority seating since they are your elected representatives. There will also be a virtual Zoom meeting option for these meetings, but you must register for the meeting to receive the link.
We hope to see you there!